For background see my previous post on this subject. As the House of Assembly did not sit this week, I have pursued the issue of…
UTAS executive salaries – transparency required
Preview: My next post on Friday will provide an update on the Premier’s misleading of Parliament. UTAS’ Annual Report In my submission (pages 11-12) to…
Premier Rockliff misled Parliament on UTAS
During the last few weeks, a number of people have written to Premier Rockliff regarding UTAS’ proposed move to the CBD. They have received a…
Democracy defeats UTAS’ dollars and deceptions
(NB: Frequently when I refer to UTAS in my writings I am referring only to the clique who make the big decisions for the University;…
Field of Dreams, Field of Nightmares – Part 2
Well, a whole week has passed since Michael Field’s Talking Point article was published. A couple of critiques have been published in The Mercury (by…
Field of Dreams, Field of Nightmares – Part 1
Exactly one week after Sue Hickey’s supercilious Talking Point article comes Michael Field’s supercilious Talking Point article in The Mercury on 17 October, in which…
UTAS’ $15 million lie?
(This post is supported by my detailed analysis). When does a claim cease being merely misleading and deceptive and become a lie? I’ll leave that…
Gun for Hire Hickey rides into town
Ms Sue Hickey entered fully into the UTAS debate with a patronising and supercilious Talking Point article in The Mercury on Monday, 10 October, spruiking…
A Black Day for the Truth
I was going to write this post next week from a slightly different angle, but then, last Friday, Vice-Chancellor Black was at it again, making…
RTI papers reveal Government left governing to UTAS
In my submission to the Legislative Council Select Committee Inquiry into the Provisions of the University of Tasmania Act 1992 (LegCo Inquiry), I made a…